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Monthly Archives: August 2008

Jonathan Coulton Songs

I’ve become a fan of this geek rocker who writes really wacky songs. Here is a top ten of my favorites. 10. Better: A man is falling out of love with his girlfriend who is addicted to cybernetic augmentations. 9. Tom Cruise Crazy: Tom Cruise is probably the only man on earth who couldn’t enjoy […]


I beat my normal ride time to the station by ten minutes, whoo! Sure I used the fancy bike, clipless pedals, reduced gear, and a broad interpretation of traffic signs. But gosh darn it, I smashed the hell out of my record this morning and I am just glowing with self-congratulation. Pat, pat.

Farewell, Auto

American culture got hooked on the private auto because it meant a greater measure of freedom. One could go wherever roads are – on his own terms, at his own pace, limited only by the constraints of time and budget that were not so intensely impacted among the expanding middle class. Autos for a time […]

Curry Madness: Homemade Sauce

I make curry quite a lot, because it’s fast, flexible, tasty. Until today, I have relied upon prepared sauce concentrate to make it. It’s cheap and convenient, but every dish tastes the same, give or take a certain degree of intensity. Curry paste is not complex – blend some ground spices into a pool of […]

Chestnut Street

A roadie or a physics student might parse the circumstances based upon four factors: a light bike, heavy backpack, 10 percent grade, front brake. To put it more directly: I took a pretty spectacular spill on my bike. I am really surprised that I was not badly hurt, though everything did hurt for a good […]