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I locked up my road bike in Union Square for the dinner hour. I came back sometime later, and my baby was quite thoroughly vanished.

Needless to say I’m distraught, but I’m even more annoyed. I’ve never been totally comfortable in San Francisco, but now my entire vacation will be colored by insecurity as well as crippling confinement. I had planned to cross the Golden Gate the following morning, and climb deep into the mountain heart of Marin County.

Now I’m spending most of my time in Japantown, and that’s been awesome in it’s own way. However, I’m nagged by the notion that I’m not here by choice. For someone who actually pedals more than she walks, being suddenly deprived of the daily freedom of the road feels miserable. It’s disruptive and violating to my very self-concept, and stealing someone’s bike is just beneath contempt.

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